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Detailed Humidity Information


Relative Humidity 79% 22:55
Rel. Humidity Trend + 1% /hr 22:55
24hr Average RH 82.1% 22:55
Week Average RH 79.8% 7 Days to 22:55
Month Average RH 78.1% Days 01-10
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Dew Point 12.8°C 22:55
Dew Point Trend -0.5°C /hr 22:55
Month Average Dew Point 13.0 °C Days 01-10
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Wet-Bulb Temperature 14.5°C 22:55
Absolute Humidity 67.1739 kg/m^3 22:55
Air Density 1.201 kg/m^3 22:55

Current Day/Month/Year Records

Min RH Today 67% 14:00
Max RH Today 92% 05:30
Min RH Yesterday 73% 15:33
Max RH Yesterday 96% 07:45
Min RH This Month 46% Day 2
Max RH This Month 96% Day 9
Min RH This Year 26% 19/4
Max RH This Year 98% Occurs regularly
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Min Dew Point Today 12.8 °C 22:54
Max Dew Point Today 18.6 °C 10:40
Min Dew Point Yesterday 14.6 °C 04:23
Max Dew Point Yesterday 17.7 °C 12:31
Min Dew Point This Month 7.3°C Day 5
Max Dew Point This Month 18.6°C Day 10
Min Dew Point This Year -6.5°C 28/1
Max Dew Point This Year 18.6°C 10/9

All-time Records

Record Low Relative Humidity 26% 19/4/2011
Record High Relative Humidity 98% Occurs regularly
Record Low RH Daily Av. 43% 20/07/10
Record High RH Daily Av. 98% Several instances
Record Low RH Monthly Av. 62% April 2011
Record High RH Monthly Av. 92% December 2009
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Record Low Dew Point -9.5°C 1/2/2009
Record High Dew Point 19.8°C 28/6/2009
Record Low Dew Point Daily Av. -6.3°C 07/03/10
Record High Dew Point Daily Av. 17.6°C 21/08/10
Record Low Dew Point Monthly Av. -0.5°C December 2010
Record High Dew Point Monthly Av. 12.7°C August 2009

NB: Valid humidity records began in February 2009

NB: 98% is the physical limit of the hygrometer (measuring RH); in reality this tends to means 100% saturation of the air.

A note on the different measures of Humidity: The Dew Point (or frost point if the temperature is <0°C) is the saturation temperature of a parcel of air, i.e. the point at which water condenses out. It is the temperature at which an object would need to be for dew to form on it (dew forms because certain objects - like cars - cool more rapidly than the air, enabling them to reach the dew point). It is directly proportional to the specific humidity, and very well correlated to the absolute humidity. In everyday terms, high dew points are more uncomfortable as sweating is less effective, and low dew points can make it feel raw. When people say "it's humid", it's most likely because the dew point is high. Relative Humidity, on the other hand, is rather more abstract and has a very technical definition (the ratio of the partial pressure of water in the air to the saturated vapour pressure of that water). The saturated vapour pressure is proportional to the air temperature, and the partial pressure is related to how much water is an air mass, so at a given temperature, the RH is entirely dependent on the specific humidity (or dew point). The RH is therefore useful in determining the extent to which the air is water-saturated. For example: When it rains the relative humidity will increase, but the dew point may not, as the temperature will usually fall as well. If the dew point is the same when the RH increases, the air has the same amount of water but it is cooler, so it is more saturated (less water vapour can exist in cooler air).
Simply (and concisely!): Dew point is a rough measure of how much water vapour is physically in the air; relative humidity is just a measure of the degree to which the air is full of water vapour (i.e. its saturation). One is absolute, the other is relative.