Hampstead nw3, London - Current Weather
Weather Report
Dry; Mostly cloudy |
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Live Weather
Data recorded at 09:01:41 GMT | |||||
Measure | Current - ? s ago | Max/Min | Rate | 24hr mean | |
Temperature | 7.2 °C | 7.2 °C at 08:59 5.0 °C at 03:00 |
+0.5 °C /hr +4.8 °C /24hr |
6.7 °C | |
Relative Humidity | 95% | 95% at 08:12 94% at 06:06 |
+0% /hr +3% /24hr |
91% | |
Dew Point | 6.5 °C | 6.5 °C at 08:59 4.1 °C at 02:59 |
+0.5 °C /hr +5.3 °C /24hr |
5.4 °C | |
Pressure | 1013 hPa | 1018 hPa at 02:46 1014 hPa at 09:00 |
-1 hPa /hr -8 hPa /24hr |
1017 hPa | |
Wind | 10.4 mph WSW Gusting to 12.0 mph |
Max Speed: 14.2 mph Max Gust: 19.6 mph |
Max Hr Gust: 19.6 mph Bft: Gentle breeze (F3) |
5.8 mph W (266°) |
Rainfall | 1.4 mm | Max Rate: 1.8 mm/h Max Hourly: 1.2 mm |
Rate: 0.0 mm/h Last 10 mins: 0.0 mm |
2.6 mm (total) |
Day Temp Range: 2.2 °C | Feels Like: 3.3 °C (Daily Min: 1.0 °C) | 10-min Av. Wind: 9.3 mph W | Hour Rain: 0.0 mm | Month Rain: 48.0 mm | Last Rain: 67 mins ago |
Latest Hampstead Heath pond temperature: 5.5 °C see temperature history
Latest Monthly Weather Report
November 2024
- Temperature
- Overall, the month was close to average, with a mean of 8.1 °C (+0.0 °C from the LTA).
The absolute low was -1.2 °C, and the highest 17.8 °C. - Rainfall
- Came in somewhat wetter than the long-term average, at 83.7 mm (+25%) across 12 days of recordable rain. The most rainfall recorded in a single day (starting at midnight) was 28.6 mm. The cumulative annual total for 2024 now stands at 800.5 mm (+43%) from 155 rain days.
- Sunshine
- A very dull month, with 52 hrs (-38%) from a possible 237.
17 days had more than a minute of sunshine, the maximum being 6 hrs. - Winter Events
- There were no days of falling snow or sleet
(1 below the LTA),
and 3 air frosts (+1).
no days of lying snow at 09z were observed (+-0), with a max depth of 0 cm. - Other Events
- There were no days of hail, 0 of thunder, 0 with fog at 09z. 4 days had >10 mm of rain, and 2 with gusts >30 mph.
All long-term climate averages are with respect to the period 1971-2000. View full report
This weather station has been recording data for 5802 days (5270 at NW3)