Historical Ranked Monthly Data for February - Maximum 10-min Rain / mm

Weather Variable:
Month Start Year
Top monthly-mean
Rank Value Date
1 0.8 Feb 2016
2 0.8 Feb 2022
3 0.8 Feb 2014
4 0.8 Feb 2020
5 0.7 Feb 2012
6 0.7 Feb 2010
7 0.6 Feb 2013
8 0.6 Feb 2017
9 0.6 Feb 2021
Bottom monthly-mean
Rank Value Date
1 Feb 2009
2 0.4 Feb 2023
3 0.5 Feb 2018
4 0.5 Feb 2011
5 0.5 Feb 2015
6 0.5 Feb 2024
7 0.6 Feb 2019
8 0.6 Feb 2021
9 0.6 Feb 2017

Maximum 10-min Rain monthly extremes: monthly average
For Maximum 10-min Rain, there are 16 valid months for the chosen period from 2009 to present for Feb in London, nw3.
