Detailed Wind Data
Current | |
Measure | Value |
Gust | 1.2 mph |
Max Gust Last Hour | 5.8 mph |
Speed | 0.1 mph |
10-min Speed | 1.4 mph |
30-min Speed | 0.6 mph |
1hr Speed | 1.2 mph |
24hr Speed | 3.7 mph |
Beaufort Speed | Calm (F0) |
Direction | WNW |
10-min Direction | NNE |
30-min Direction | WNW |
1-hr Direction | NW |
24-hr Direction | WNW |
--- | --- |
Day Average Speed | 3.8 mph |
Week Average Speed | 4.3 mph |
Month Average Speed | 3.0 mph (-0.9) |
Year Average Speed | 4.9 mph (+0.3) |
31-day Speed | 3.6 mph |
365-day Speed | 5.1 mph |
Day Average Direction | WNW |
Month Mean Direction | NW |
Current Extremes | |||||
Measure | Today | Yesterday | Week | Month | Year |
Max Gust | 19.6 mph 12:20 |
17.3 mph 14:24 |
26.5 mph 10th Sep |
26.5 mph 10th |
54.1 mph 2nd Jan |
Max Windspeed | 12.4 mph 12:19 |
10.7 mph 14:28 |
17.2 mph 10th Sep |
17.2 mph 10th |
32.8 mph 2nd Jan |
Max 10-min Speed | 9.3 mph 12:23 |
7.8 mph 16:11 |
13.8 mph 10th Sep |
13.8 mph 10th |
25.0 mph 21st Jan |
Calmest Day | - | - | 2.4 mph 13th Sep |
0.3 mph 7th |
0.3 mph 7th Sep |
Windiest Day | - | - | 6.9 mph 10th Sep |
6.9 mph 10th |
13.4 mph 21st Jan |
Note 1: Valid wind records began in August 2009. Note 2: Figures in brackets refer to departure from average conditions. |
A note on "Speed" vs. "Gust":
"Speed" is the windspeed sampled over a one minute period,
"Gust" is the windspeed sampled over a 14 second period. |
Records | |||
Measure | Overall | September | 15th Sep |
Max Gust | 63.9 mph 18th Feb 2022 |
41.5 mph Day 13, 2017 |
27.1 mph 2010 |
Max Windspeed | 44.1 mph 18th Feb 2022 |
26.7 mph Day 21, 2018 |
17.0 mph 2010 |
Max 10-min Speed | 29.5 mph 18th Feb 2022 |
18.6 mph Day 24, 2016 |
12.2 mph 2013 |
Calmest Day | 0.0 mph 15th Nov 2021 |
0.3 mph Day 1, 2020 |
0.9 mph 2020 |
Windiest Day | 16.4 mph 9th Feb 2020 |
11.4 mph Day 9, 2016 |
7.4 mph 2010 |
NB: Daily wind speed maxima & averages for the current year (and all other years on record) can be viewed here
Wind roses and graphs
See wind roses for all months, days and years