Basic Astronomy Data for London



Sun Moon age: 21 days,1 hours,30 minutes,62%
Sunrise: 05:21
Sunset: 20:52
Daylight: 15:38
Moonrise: 23:27
Moonset: 13:10
62% illuminated
First Quarter Moon Full Moon Last Quarter Moon New Moon
First Quarter Moon Full Moon Last Quarter Moon New Moon
22:49 UTC 13 July 2024 10:18 UTC 21 July 2024 02:52 UTC 28 July 2024 11:14 UTC 4 August 2024

Earth View

Earth Daylight & Darkness
Current location of sunlight/darkness across the globe (Credit)

Sun Detail
Sun Transit 13:05
AM Twilight Starts 04:34
PM Twilight Ends 21:39
Day Length 15:38
Change since Yesterday -00:02:55
Change since Summer Solstice -00:57
Chance since Winter Solstice 08:03
--- ---
Vernal Equinox 03:07 UTC 20 March 2024
Summer Solstice 20:52 UTC 20 June 2024
Autumnal Equinox 12:44 UTC 22 September 2024
Winter Solstice 09:21 UTC 21 December 2024
Next Solar Eclipse 19:46 UTC 2 October 2024 Eclipse Circular
Moon Detail
Moon Age 21 days, 1 hours (Waning Gibbous)
Moon Transit 06:02 27 07 2024
Next Lunar Eclipse 03:45 UTC 18 September 2024 Eclipse Total
Next Moon Perigee 05:16 UTC 21 August 2024
Next Moon Apogee 01:33 UTC 9 August 2024

If not explicit in the value, times are local time (BST)