Hampstead nw3, London - Current Weather

Weather Report

Dry; Clear

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NW3 Weather is a meteorological observation site located near Hampstead, in North London, UK.
The site was established with an automatic personal weather station in July 2010 and runs continuously, with updates at least every 60s.

Live Weather

Data recorded at 04:12:20 BST
Measure Current - ? s ago Max/Min Rate 24hr mean
icontemp Temperature 13.2 °C   falling 17.8 °C at 00:01
13.2 °C at 04:10
-1.4 °C /hr
-0.9 °C /24hr
18.7 °C
iconhumi Relative Humidity 85%   steady 86% at 04:10
72% at 00:01
+2% /hr
-7% /24hr
icondewp Dew Point 10.7 °C   falling 13.4 °C at 00:43
10.7 °C at 04:09
-1.0 °C /hr
-2.1 °C /24hr
13.3 °C
iconpres Pressure 1013 hPa   steady 1014 hPa at 02:55
1009 hPa at 00:25
+0 hPa /hr
+3 hPa /24hr
1012 hPa
iconwind Wind 0.0 mph   NW
Gusting to 0.0 mph
Max Speed: 3.6 mph
Max Gust: 7.3 mph
Max Hr Gust: 3.1 mph
Bft: Calm (F0)
2.4 mph
W (281°)
iconrain Rainfall 0.0 mm   Max Rate: null
Max Hourly: null
Rate: 0.0 mm/h
Last 10 mins: 0.0 mm
0.0 mm
Day Temp Range:
4.6 °C
Feels Like:
13.2 °C (Daily Max: 20.4 °C)
10-min Av. Wind:
0.1 mph NW
Hour Rain:
0.0 mm
Month Rain:
112.9 mm
Last Rain:
30 hours ago

Latest Hampstead Heath pond temperature: 21.0 °C   see temperature history

Latest Monthly Weather Report

June 2024

Overall, the month was close to average, with a mean of 16.4 °C (-0.1 °C from the LTA).
The absolute low was 5.7 °C, and the highest 29.7 °C.
Came in much drier than the long-term average, at 11.8 mm (-75%) across 6 days of recordable rain. The most rainfall recorded in a single day (starting at midnight) was 5.3 mm. The cumulative annual total for 2024 now stands at 359.5 mm (+29%) from 86 rain days.
A slightly sunny month, with 206 hrs (+6%) from a possible 452.
30 days had more than a minute of sunshine, the maximum being 14 hrs.
Winter Events
No snow or frost observed.
Other Events
There were no days of hail, 0 of thunder, 0 with fog at 09z. no days had >10 mm of rain, and 1 with gusts >30 mph.

All long-term climate averages are with respect to the period 1971-2000.   View full report

This weather station has been recording data for 5654 days (5123 at NW3)