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A local hardware fault has been identified and is preventing updates - the site administrator has been emailed and will be along shortly to investigate; the server time is 27/07/24, 01:52 BST
System timestamp: 1537595100, Server timestamp: 1722041570; Difference: 184446470s

Detailed Rainfall Data


Daily Rain 0.0 mm
Rain Last 10 mins 0.0 mm
Rain Last Hour 0.0 mm
Rain Last 3 hrs 0.0 mm
Rain Last 6 hrs 0.0 mm
Rain Last 24 hrs 0.0 mm
Rain Duration 0 mins
Rain Rate 0.0 mm/h
--- ---
Most Recent Rain 02:32, Yesterday
Yesterday's Rain 2.2 mm
Previous 7 Days' Rain 3.0 mm
Monthly Rain 7.0 mm (0%)
Annual Rain 350.0 mm (0%)
Autumn Rain 24.8 mm (0%)
--- ---
Consecutive Dry Days 0
Consecutive Rain Days 2
Monthly Rain Days 4
Annual Rain Days 95

Current Day/Month/Year Records

Max Rain in 1hr Today 0.0 mm n/a
Max Rain Rate Today 0.0 mm/h n/a
Daily Rain Last Year 0.0 mm 22nd Sep 2017
--- --- ---
Max Rain in 1hr Yesterday 2.2 mm 02:33
Max Rain Rate Yesterday 0.0 mm/h ---
--- --- ---
This Month Max Daily Rain 2.8 mm Day 12
This Month Max Rain Rate 34 mm/h 02:21, Day 21
This Month Max Rain in 1hr 2.2 mm 02:33, Day 21
This Month Longest Dry Spell 12 days Up to Day 11
This Month Longest Wet Spell 2 days current
Last Month Rain-to-date 36.4 mm 1st - 22nd Aug
--- --- ---
This Year Max Daily Rain 15.2 mm 13th July
This Year Max Rain Rate 720 mm/h 18:10, 27th July
This Year Max Rain in 1hr 12.0 mm 20:17, 13th July
This Year Longest Dry Spell 17 days 17th June - 3rd July
This Year Longest Wet Spell 10 days 3rd - 12th March
Last Year Annual Rain-to-date 31.3 mm 1st Jan - 22nd Sep 2017

All-time Records

Wettest Day 18.6 mm 10th Dec 2017
Highest Rain Rate 720 mm/h 18:10, 27th July 2018
Most Rain in 1hr 12.0 mm 20:17, 13th July 2018
Driest Month 0.0 mm April 2017
Wettest Month 144.1 mm Nov 2009
Longest Dry Spell 17 days Ending 4th July 2018
Longest Wet Spell 10 days Ending 12th March 2018
--- --- ---
Driest September 34.3 mm 2016
Wettest September 62.4 mm 2017
Wettest September Day 32.0 mm Day 13, 2013
Wettest 22nd Sep 7.4 mm 2015

Note 1: Rain records began in February 2009
Note 2: The minimum recordable rain (the rain guage resolution) is 0.25 mm
Note 3: Figures in brackets refer to departure from average conditions
Note 4: Rain rate records are manually checked, and changed if necessary, due to occasional issues with the software. Inital high readings may well be corrected at a later date.

Past Year Monthly Totals

January 201865.6 mm0%
February 29.8 mm0%
March 59.0 mm0%
April 52.6 mm0%
May 35.4 mm0%
June 2.8 mm0%
July 33.2 mm0%
August 64.6 mm0%
September 201762.4 mm0%
October 17.8 mm0%
November 35.0 mm0%
December 88.2 mm0%
12-month Total 546.4 mm 0%

Past Year Seasonal Totals

Winter 23/24183.6 mm0%
Spring 2018147.0 mm0%
Summer 2018100.6 mm0%
Autumn 2017115.2 mm0%

View daily totals for the past year
View monthly totals for all years on record