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System timestamp: 1537595100, Server timestamp: 1736847711; Difference: 199252611s
Detailed Wind Data
Current/Latest | |
Measure | Value |
Gust | 3.0 mph |
Speed | 4.5 mph |
10-min Speed | 4.4 mph |
30-min Speed | 4.3 mph |
1hr Speed | 3.3 mph |
Beaufort Speed | Force 2 |
10-min Bft | Force 2 |
--- | --- |
Direction | SW |
10-min Direction | SW |
30-min Direction | SW |
1hr Direction | SW |
24hr Direction | WSW |
--- | --- |
Day Average Speed | 4.4 mph |
Week Average Speed | 7.9 mph |
Month Average Speed | 5.1 mph (+1.2) |
Year Average Speed | 4.9 mph (+0.3) |
Day Average Direction | WSW |
Month Average Direction | SW |
Current Day/Month/Year Records | ||
Measure | Value | Time/Date |
Max Gust Last Minute | 6.9 mph | 06:45 |
Max Gust Last 10-mins | 9.0 mph | N/A |
Max Gust Last Hour | 11.0 mph | 06:31 |
Max Gust Today | 15.0 mph | 01:55 |
Max Gust Yesterday | 41.4 mph | 15:10 |
Max Gust this Week | 40.3 mph | Sat |
Max Gust this Month | 41.4 mph | Day 21 |
Max Gust this Year | 50.0 mph | 3rd Jan |
--- | --- | --- |
Max Speed Today | 10.1 mph | 03:24 |
Max Speed Yesterday | 27.1 mph | 15:54 |
Max Speed this Week | 25.3 mph | Sat |
Max Speed this Month | 27.1 mph | Day 21 |
Max Speed this Year | 31.5 mph | 18th Jan |
--- hi | --- | --- |
Max 10-min Gust Last 12hrs | 15.4 mph | N/A |
Max 10-min Gust Last 24hrs | 28.8 mph | N/A |
All-time Records | ||
Measure | Value | Time/Date |
Highest Wind Gust | 50.0 mph | 3rd Jan 2018 |
Highest Wind Speed | 31.5 mph | 18th Jan 2018 |
Calmest Day (24h mean) | 0.0 mph | 15th Aug 2016 |
Windiest Day (24h mean) | 17.3 mph | 7th May 2015 |
Calmest Month | 1.5 mph | Aug 2016 |
Windiest Month | 10.4 mph | March 2016 |
--- | --- | --- |
Highest September Gust | 57.5 mph | Day 4, 2015 |
Highest September Speed | 25.3 mph | Day 21, 2018 |
Calmest September Day | 0.8 mph | Day 27, 2014 |
Windiest September Day | 10.8 mph | Day 12, 2011 |
Calmest September | 0.0 mph | 2016 |
Windiest September | 5.2 mph | 2018 |
--- | --- | --- |
Highest 22nd Sep Gust | 57.5 mph | 2014 |
Highest 22nd Sep Speed | 13.8 mph | 2010 |
Calmest 22nd Sep | 1.7 mph | 2014 |
Windiest 22nd Sep | 6.0 mph | 2009 |
Note 1: Valid wind records began in August 2009.
Note 2: Figures in brackets refer to departure from average conditions.
A note on "Speed" vs. "Gust": "Speed" is the windspeed sampled over a one minute period, "Gust" is the windspeed sampled over a 14 second period.
September Windrose |
2018 Windrose | |
Wind Energy | ||
This shows the number of hours that each wind speed has been reached. For generating energy with a turbine, an average of >4m/s is generally required for local use, and >6m/s for grid use, so this location is unlikely to be suitable for either. |
NB: Daily wind speed maxima & averages for the current year (and all other years on record) can be viewed here