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Detailed Temperature Data
Current/Latest |
Measure | Value |
Temperature |
11.3 °C |
Temperature Trend |
+0.2 °C /h |
Feels-like |
12.0 °C |
Windchill |
n/a |
Heat Index |
n/a |
Humidex |
12.0 °C |
--- |
--- |
Day Average |
11.2 °C |
24hr Average |
13.2 °C |
Yesterday Average |
14.3 °C |
Week Average |
17.8 °C |
Month Average |
16.5 °C (+16.5 °C) |
31-Day Average |
11.9 °C |
Month Average Daily Min |
12.5 °C (+1.4 °C) |
Month Average Daily Max |
21.1 °C (+2.4 °C) |
--- |
--- |
Air Frost Hours Today |
00:00 |
Monthly Air Frosts |
0 |
Monthly Ice Days |
0 |
Annual Air Frosts |
20 |
Annual Ice Days |
4 |
Current Day/Month/Year Records |
Measure | Value | Time/Date |
Min Temp Today |
11.0 °C |
04:52 |
Max Temp Today |
12.1 °C |
00:01 |
Night Min (9pm-9am) |
11.0 °C |
- |
Day Max (6am-6pm) |
11.3 °C |
- |
Min Windchill Today |
8.5 °C |
03:06 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Min Temp Yesterday |
10.8 °C |
07:34 |
Max Temp Yesterday |
18.8 °C |
01:23 |
Min Windchill Yesterday |
7.7 °C |
07:39 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Min Temp Last 7 Days |
10.8 °C |
Fri |
Max Temp Last 7 Days |
24.8 °C |
Mon |
Min Windchill Last 7 Days |
7.6 °C |
Sat |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Min Temp This Month |
6.8 °C |
Day 13 |
Max Temp This Month |
24.8 °C |
Day 17 |
Min Windchill This Month |
5.9 °C |
Day 7 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Min Temp This year |
-5.4 °C |
28th Feb |
Max Temp This Year |
33.9 °C |
26th July |
Min Windchill This Year |
-14.6 °C |
28th Feb |
All-time Records |
Measure | Value | Date |
Lowest Temperature |
-5.4 °C |
28th Feb 2018 |
Highest Temperature |
33.9 °C |
26th July 2018 |
Lowest Windchill |
-14.6 °C |
28th Feb 2018 |
Lowest Day Max |
-2.0 °C |
10th Jan 2009 |
Highest Night Min |
20.0 °C |
18th Aug 2012 |
Coldest Day (by mean) |
-3.7 °C |
11th Feb 2012 |
Warmest Day (by mean) |
27.2 °C |
1st July 2015 |
Coldest Month |
1.3 °C |
Dec 2010 |
Warmest Month |
21.7 °C |
July 2018 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Lowest September Temperature |
6.8 °C |
Day 13, 2018 |
Highest September Temperature |
24.8 °C |
Day 17, 2018 |
Coldest September |
13.6 °C |
2015 |
Warmest September |
16.7 °C |
2016 |
Coldest September Day |
9.5 °C |
Day 25, 2010 |
Warmest September Day |
21.1 °C |
Day 5, 2013 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Lowest 22nd Sep Temperature |
6.0 °C |
2012 |
Highest 22nd Sep Temperature |
22.9 °C |
2010 |
Coldest 22nd Sep |
11.1 °C |
2012 |
Warmest 22nd Sep |
16.7 °C |
2016 |
NB: Daily temperature records began in March 2008; monthly extremes go back to November 2007.
Figures in brackets refer to departure from average conditions.
A note on Heat Index/Windchill/Humidex: These are all technically-defined measures of what the air actually feels like on one's skin -
The Heat and Humi indices are useful for factoring in the extra "warming effect" of high relative humidity in warm air, whilst
Windchill obviously factors in the effect of the wind. By definition, they are only valid within certain temperature and humidity ranges;
in the table 'n/a' is displayed when outside this range,
and the 'Feels-like' value displays the most useful of the three at any given moment.
Past Year Monthly Averages |
Month | Mean | Daily Min | Daily Max |
January |
6.4 °C (+1.7) |
3.9 °C (+1.5) |
8.9 °C (+1.9) |
February |
3.3 °C (-1.6) |
0.4 °C (-1.8) |
5.9 °C (-1.7) |
March |
6.0 °C (-1.0) |
3.3 °C (-0.3) |
9.0 °C (-1.4) |
April |
11.5 °C (+2.6) |
8.1 °C (+3.1) |
15.1 °C (+2.3) |
May |
14.9 °C (+2.4) |
9.2 °C (+0.9) |
20.4 °C (+3.7) |
June |
17.9 °C (+2.2) |
12.6 °C (+1.5) |
23.5 °C (+3.3) |
July |
21.7 °C (+3.8) |
15.9 °C (+2.5) |
27.2 °C (+4.8) |
August |
18.7 °C (+1.0) |
13.9 °C (+0.7) |
23.3 °C (+1.1) |
September 2017 |
14.4 °C (-0.5) |
11.1 °C (+0.0) |
18.0 °C (-0.7) |
October |
13.2 °C (+1.5) |
10.0 °C (+1.2) |
16.1 °C (+1.5) |
November |
7.6 °C (+0.0) |
4.4 °C (-0.6) |
10.3 °C (+0.1) |
December |
5.7 °C (+0.2) |
3.3 °C (+0.1) |
8.0 °C (+0.2) |
12-month Mean |
11.8 °C (+1.0) |
8.0 °C (+0.7) |
15.5 °C (+1.3) |
Past Year Seasonal Averages |
Season | Mean | Daily Min | Daily Max |
Winter 23/24 |
5.1 °C (+0.1) |
2.5 °C (-0.1) |
7.6 °C (+0.1) |
Spring 2018 |
10.8 °C (+1.3) |
6.9 °C (+1.2) |
14.8 °C (+1.5) |
Summer 2018 |
19.4 °C (+2.4) |
14.1 °C (+1.6) |
24.7 °C (+3.1) |
Autumn 2017 |
11.7 °C (+0.3) |
8.5 °C (+0.2) |
14.8 °C (+0.3) |
View daily min/max data for the past year
View monthly averages/extremes for all years on record
More Info
This Month |
Days When... | Value |
Min Temp Was < 25 °C |
22 |
Min Temp Was < 20 °C |
22 |
Min Temp Was < 15 °C |
17 |
Min Temp Was < 10 °C |
4 |
Min Temp Was < 5 °C |
0 |
Min Temp Was < 0 °C |
0 |
Min Temp Was < -5 °C |
0 |
--- |
--- |
Max Temp Was > -5 °C |
22 |
Max Temp Was > 0 °C |
22 |
Max Temp Was > 5 °C |
22 |
Max Temp Was > 10 °C |
22 |
Max Temp Was > 15 °C |
21 |
Max Temp Was > 20 °C |
14 |
Max Temp Was > 25 °C |
0 |
Max Temp Was > 30 °C |
0 |
This Year |
Days When... | Value |
Min Temp Was < 25 °C |
265 |
Min Temp Was < 20 °C |
265 |
Min Temp Was < 15 °C |
223 |
Min Temp Was < 10 °C |
144 |
Min Temp Was < 5 °C |
73 |
Min Temp Was < 0 °C |
20 |
Min Temp Was < -5 °C |
1 |
--- |
--- |
Max Temp Was > -5 °C |
265 |
Max Temp Was > 0 °C |
261 |
Max Temp Was > 5 °C |
248 |
Max Temp Was > 10 °C |
198 |
Max Temp Was > 15 °C |
156 |
Max Temp Was > 20 °C |
114 |
Max Temp Was > 25 °C |
47 |
Max Temp Was > 30 °C |
12 |