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A local hardware fault has been identified and is preventing updates - the site administrator has been emailed and will be along shortly to investigate; the server time is 22/12/24, 10:58 GMT
System timestamp: 1537595100, Server timestamp: 1734865138; Difference: 197270038sA local hardware fault has been identified and is preventing updates - the site administrator has been emailed and will be along shortly to investigate; the server time is 22/12/24, 10:58 GMT
System timestamp: 1537595100, Server timestamp: 1734865138; Difference: 197270038s
Current Weather Report
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Local Forecast
Full forecast | ||
Measure | Current | Max/Min | Rate | 24hr Mean | |||||
Temperature | 0.0 °C | 12.1 °C at 00:01 11.0 °C at 04:52 |
+0.2 °C /hr | 13.2 °C | |||||
Relative Humidity | % | 85% at 05:13 77% at 00:00 |
-1% /hr | 69% | |||||
Dew Point | 0.0 °C | 8.7 °C at 06:41 7.6 °C at 01:37 |
+0.0 °C/hr | 7.7 °C | |||||
Pressure | 1020 hPa | 1020 hPa at 06:35 1019 hPa at 00:27 |
+0 hPa/hr Rising slowly |
1014 hPa | |||||
Wind | 0.0 mph N - Gusting to 0 mph | Max gust last hour: 11.0 mph Max gust today: 15.0 mph |
Beaufort Scale: Light Breeze |
4.4 mph WSW (255°) |
Daily Rain | 0.0 mm | Last Hour: 0.0 mm Month Rain: 0.0 mm |
0.0 mm/h Last 10 mins: 0.0 mm |
Total: 0.0 mm | |||||
To see how these figures compare to expected values, view the climate averages page.
This weather station has been recording data for 3519 days (2988 at NW3)